Sunday, July 10, 2005

General Mgr. Of Pensacola Beach Gets Look For Himself Of Damage Caused By Hurricane Dennis

Buck Lee who is General Manager of Pensacola Beach, while being interviewed on The Weather Channel Sunday night has stated that Hurricane Dennis appears to not have caused as much damage as Hurricane Ivan did last September (2004).

Mr. Lee went over to Pensacola Beach to check on the damage first hand Sunday afternoon (July 10, 2005) and stated live on The Weather Channel that there were many telephone poles and light poles down on the island and that the island had no power at this time.

Florida's Gulf Power Co. , the company responsible for power throughout the state said in a ABCNEWS.COM report to expect power to be out for three weeks or more.

However Buck Lee stated with confidence that he thought power would be restored quickly, much quicker than when Hurricane Ivan struck. Mr. Lee also reported that there was no sand over the parking lots and roads, which will allow the power company much quicker access to the downed power lines.

To quote Buck Lee: "If Ivan was a ten then Dennis was a three."

This should be good news to the residents and business owners of Pensacola Beach.